Great Books.
Schola Classical Tutorials offers live group tutorials over the internet in the subjects of a classical Christian liberal arts curriculum: the classical languages, the great books of literature and history, and rhetoric. These are the subjects that teach students the skills of thinking and learning, the history of the ideas that have shaped our culture, and the taste for wisdom, beauty, and virtue. These skills, and a knowledge of these

Online Tutorials with Wes Callihan
Schola’s tutorials are offered for students who are willing to devote themselves to a course of serious liberal arts study before they enter college or the world of employment and family. Schola’s tutorials provide guidance for the self-motivated student who understands that the real work of learning takes place in his own study time with a book, a pencil, and an active mind. Participants in Schola’s tutorials, both teacher and pupil, constitute a body of followers of classical education.