Please read over this entire page first to get a quick overview of the necessary information.
1. Courses offered for 2020-2021:
- Great Books 3: Christendom. Meets Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m. PST.
- Great Books 4: Early Moderns. Meets Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. PST
- Iliad Master Class. Meets Wednesdays, 8-9:30 a.m. PST
2. How the Tutorials are Conducted:
Schola’s online tutorials are live audio/chat sessions that meet once a week, running from early September through early May. Normally, the students and tutor review previous material, discuss the assignment for that week and preview upcoming work. The students and tutor log in to a virtual classroom at the stated time for the tutorial and then are able to communicate by audio and typing. There is no special software needed – it all happens automatically when you log in. Both PC and Mac users are able to participate in these courses, and anyone with a modern highspeed connection (cable, DSL, wireless, satellite will be fine. Satellite will be laggy but works).
The tutorials are supported by web pages for each class which contain all information necessary for that class. These class pages list the course syllabus, reading and any other assignments, announcements relevant to that class, and additional resources for the students to pursue; the student has access at all times to the class page. Some classes will have a special forum on which they post work. All registered students and their parents subscribe to Schola’s email announcement list and a list specific to each class, and necessary information and announcements are sent out via those two mailing lists.
Evaluation policy
No grades are assigned for either the papers or for the tutorials as a whole, though parents may of course request an informal evaluation at any time. For those parents with students in the Old Western Culture courses, assistance can be provided by Kepler Education, who offer evaluation and grading packages for small additional fees to accompany the course work – their evaluators are very good.
3. Schola 2020-2021 Calendar
Schola Classical Tutorials follows a standard academic year, early September through early May. Dates are subject to adjustment.
The first week of September: First week of classes
November 20-22: Thanksgiving Week – NO CLASSES
Christmas Week and New Year’s Week – NO CLASSES
March 12-14 (tentative): Spring Break – NO CLASSES
May 14-16 (tentative): Last week of classes
4. Registration
Registration for my tutorials are through Kepler Education.
Other Information
Schola will contact all registered students with any other necessary details about subscribing to the required email announcement list for students and parents, how to log in to the sessions, preparation for classes, etc.
Please contact Schola for help with any questions.